Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If You Really Want Anything, The Wait Is Worth It

Nobody realizes how hard a writer actually works, but when they have something to share and give back to the world, they put all they've got to get it out there. Yes, there are adversities. Yes, there is rejection. But, you have to keep a vision in your mind, and your mind on the prize. I know that if there are negative thoughts out there from others, it only makes me want to work harder to achieve my goal.
I waited 25 years to get my children's book published, and it was fate that that I found a great lady who is now my agent -- Jan Kardys. God works in mysterious ways...well, that will be the subject of another book... for now, Check out my children's book "Now I Want a Horse" a bunny story for children ages 3+ years old

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