Wednesday, August 5, 2009

50 Years Celebration

I am celebrating my 50th year of doing creative writing; I began when I was only eight years old... ok... now you know my age! Poetry flowed from my heart out onto my paper, but I didn't know what I was doing. I wrote little poems for the grammar school newsletter, and wrote often, but one day, I tossed them all away...until I was in my late teens, then I began saving them; to date, I have over 2,000 poems, and still writing. Maybe it is time to start submitting them to the New Yorker Magazine.
My writing has brought me to many other capacities of the craft: publicity articles, poetry column, feature stories, notecards, classroom work, adult books (non-fiction), and now working with my literary agent, Jan Kardys, on one of my children's books. EVERY day, stories, titles of new books to write, opening lines, closing lines go through my head, and I have to stop everything and write them down. My folder of "to do" books is bulging out all over. But, for now, I am concentrating on "Now I Want a Horse" which I wrote in the mid-1980s. Soon it will be published - better late than never!

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