Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year New Attitude

Seems like we just were anticipating the "turning of the century" with the year 2000, and now we are just about completing it's first decade.

When we look back, do we feel as if we have accomplished some goals, tried to better ourselves, gave to others as we should, and did good deeds?

As we raise our glass of wine at 12 midnight on January 1, 2010 and greet the new year, we should also greet a new attitude toward many things; only you know what those "things" are.
I don't mean "resolutions," as we should make new resolutions every day, learning from yesterday's mistakes, and doing better each new day to become a better person, but to make each moment really count in our lives.

Have we shown total appreciation for family members? Do we give "quality" time to our small children, and elderly family and friends, or do we take them for granted, have wispy thoughts and good intentions, then we are back at square one---putting our needs first.

Maybe in 2010 you can take an hour out of your schedule and visit a lonely person at a nursing home. These residents are not necessarily older people, but could be young and have the misfortune of now living in a home long term. It could be YOU!

We all know people who are needy and not necessarily in a nursing home. Reach out to them. If you find it difficult, and not sure of how to go about it, pray to the Holy Spirit, and to Jesus, to "guide your thoughts " on how you can make a difference.

Are we watching how we spend our money? People spend --not because they need, but because they WANT. Why do they "want?" Are they feeling a sense of loss in their life, and buying something they cannot afford to make them happy? It might make them happy for a little while, but the sad gap is still there. This also goes for overeating--comfort food. That which is habit, soon becomes necessity. New Year New Attitude-- make changes to overcome these sad, it won't be easy! NO, IT WON'T BE EASY! But only we can make our own happiness.

Has someone done a good deed for you: allowed you to cross a busy street, let you make the turn on a busy road, let you go ahead in line at the food store, dug out a few pennies to give to that stranger at the register when the cashier needed "just 2 cents more." Has someone sent over a container of soup, or made you a dishful of food and sent it over when you were out of work or when you were sick?

Think about all this. When you take with your left hand, give something with your right hand. Pass it forward. It is better to give.....unasked.

2010 NEW YEAR NEW ATTITUDE Make a difference. Go the extra mile. Put your needs and wants aside and Pass it forward. Pray

Then when 2010 passes, and we are entering 2011, we can look back and be proud of accomplishing new goals, and that we gave to others, put our own needs aside, and know that we have bettered ourselves......and bettered others.

For those of you who have turned 50 years old, you have to realize that half your life has passed, and in looking back, can you say you accomplished what you wanted, so far, learned, grew, taught, shared when you had to? By the time you are 50, you should be taking all that you have learned all your life and start applying it; you will NOT get back those years again. It is also "never to late to begin."

God has given us borrowed time here on earth to do for others in need. He will look down upon you, and when you least expect it, He will bless you in ways that you would never believe is possible.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Certain People Are Put In Our Path.....'s all about people. People we work with, people we call, people we live with, people who pass us by in a car, or walking, or in a store. Some people are labeled "friend," some are labeled "family," some....are unlabled.

"Treat people as you want to be treated," so the saying goes. Do you find it difficult to do the right thing, and then you are treated badly? Do the right thing anyway.

Put aside your material things in life, and give more time to those "people" who are in need, whether they are nice to you or not. God is watching, and maybe testing you! Make a difference in someone's life; you will be blessed. God will reward you, one day. He actually may send a special person to you...put them in your path. Make 2010 a giving year.

Certain people are put in our path; some come and go, and some walk beside us. What are we without each other?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

From the Heart

As we head for the end of December, and the end of 2009, we should reflect back over those 52 weeks, and ask ourselves, "Did I accomplish everything I set my heart on doing last year at this time ? Did I discipline myself to follow my heart on decisions, and most of all, did I learn anything that I have a special place for in my heart?"

Life has changed so drastically over the last year. The world has not changed, the people have changed, and we are now facing many adversities with politicians, criminals, and many others. They have no heart. You cannot serve money and God, so I ask you to "follow your heart," and pray for peace: peace in the world, peace with others, and your heart.

Have a heart this Christmas season, keeping God FIRST. Warm someone's heart, someone who may annoy you, scrape at you, or someone you have weeded out of your life, and do something wonderful for them--give them something from your heart. This is the true meaning of giving in God's eyes.

Thank you for this "Heart-to- Heart." MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR